Tuesday, 20 August 2013

ASB Maths Challenge

Hey everyone!
Remember for the next 2 days - Wednesday and Thursday, the ASB Maths Challenge is on. You can get to the challenge through Mathletics. There are heaps of cool prizes to be won and you get to practise your maths at the same time! Have fun and try your best!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Sun, Earth and Moon

In Room 4 yesterday we did an experiment to show how the Earth and Moon spin around. We used a hoop to show the Sun. The basketball was Earth which orbited on its axis to get night and day as well as orbited around the Sun over a year. The Moon orbited around Earth every month.

Xavier as the Sun, Robbie as the Moon and Kate as Earth.

Then we drew a diagram in our books of what we had learned. Here are some AMAZING diagrams!

Kassia's diagram

Scarlett's diagram
What else do you know about Space?

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


We are starting a new topic in Room 4 all about space! This afternoon we talked about space and shared what we already knew and what we want to find out. Here is our board after we had finished ...

So what are some other things you know about space and what would you like to know??